

In a flux to the outside world my words can be sweet and they can be bitter. They can build and they can destroy. These things we put together are not just letters after all. They give you friends and they kill them too. These things can make you stop loving someone or someone stop loving you. Images don’t kill. Images always give life. I never lost a friend because of an image but I’m sure I lost a few because of words. I shouldn’t write. I should give the world ideas using the other media. I’m still learning about me. Learning how to be myself without attacking someone with no limits. When people are mean to me I really hate them (but only for a few hours)... If I’m stupid enough to write to them during that phase everything goes down the drain. I become a monster that slaughters with no mercy. A true Samurai of the word. I don’t care what happens to me but the opponent goes down. I killed the first girl I ever loved like that. I also lost a couple of friends… And now I know friendship never comes back. Because it’s “just like a rope, once you cut it you’ll always feel the knot”. I wish everyone could see what I see right now. It’s beautiful but it isn’t peaceful. It’s about friends and the way they go away. Go away if you have no friends because you have nothing to lose. If you have them leave anyway. Learn which love you because of who you are and those that love your presence and the things you do with them.
This also works fine with girls. If a girl loves you she will love you more when you are away. And when you come back she will show everything she felt meanwhile. When she doesn’t… It’s too bad to write about it. Run away from me. Run. Never question when to leave. Life is leaving all the time. Leave with it. Live with it. Kill my hate with the end of your friendship when the end comes. Thanks for remembering. Error is a big part of me. Void. Just void. People are missing. People go away. I understand them. I’m making them go away. But most of them believe in me when I’m with them. The other rotten in the shadow of pride and lost memories but they are inside me. They still talk to me. They remember me. I still love them all.

“The end is important in all things.”
– someone said to me while thinking about the Samurai

To: S.G., H.G., H.A., S.C., I.P.

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