

I just wanted to ask you for your help. If you have any idea, article, video, information, book, music, feeling related to any of the topics I'm about to mention, please send me the a message to my email: furtadosantos@gmail.com
I started my research ages ago. I wanted to write a Thesis on Art and Science. Everything started with the hypercube (tesseract) (cube in R4). Then I moved into Duchamp's world. From Gertrude Stein to Poincare. Flatland. Not happy with what I found I wrote a crappy text with lots of lacks of information and personal ways to see the beginning of this century. I moved my research into the future, trying to figure out who looked at this kind of subject before. I found a wonderful book called: Visual Mind. Mobius. Topological problems. Golden section accurate information. The fourth dimension in the 20th century. I'm putting something together. I found a manifest signed by most of the artists I ever admired. I found a journal that deals exclusively with the connections between art and Science called Leonardo. In the process I found all the errors in the popular and disgraceful book: The Da Vinci Code. Hopping to have something better to give you tomorrow I feel ready to write but I have several worlds to research: Music, Painting, Mondrian, Computer graphics, art history analysis on intuition versus science. Nothing is obvious. Nothing is easy. But numbers are irrelevant for those that pursuit the beauty of the mind and the reason behind feelings. Maybe I'll write my final thesis of my BA about one very good book called: GEB (Gödel, Escher and Bach)

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