
His goal was obviously achieved with the numerous books on his work that have been published through the last century. From all the books on the Large Glass there is one that is as fascinating as it is complex: Duchamp in Context by Lynda Henderson. It isn’t just the deep and detailed research she did on science and technology or even the time she put into that project (over 8 years)… the biggest surprise is the academic seriousness she showed on her writing, giving the reader very few clues on the “playful” and ironical attitude Duchamp had towards science. Steefel unlike her gives a lot of emphasis to the “tong on the cheek” effect Duchamp achieves with his works.
It is a fact Duchamp was aware of future critical and historical analysis on his work. In 1956 Duchamp emphasized many effects would be the result of unconscious factors which he would “leave to art historians” .

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