
Website furtadosantos.com in progress

Should I have an extremely simple layout?
I really need to try my best to keep it that way.

Should I stick to stills, video and text or should I do flash website in the future? Kiss rule: Keep It Simple Stupid.

Side bar with stills, text, project name's, cronological?
It needs thumbnails because it simplifies the search for a specific work. But some of those thumbnails, maybe the initial ones, should have text leading to: exhibitions, projects, different years or plain information.

Should the background be dark or light?
If I make it dark it will start looking predictable because of the blog having a black background... but I would be able to use some of the images I used here...
On the other hand a light background (almost completely white) is very likely to last longer visaully.

Arial? Is it boring?

I have to start doing it instead of thinking about these things.
First step make a folder with all the files: images, videos, text... Then start playing around with it.

It's time to try my luck once again.


O Meu Outro Eu Está a Dançar said...

...a angústia de uma folha em branco... ou doutra cor qualquer!

Manel Furtado said...

A angústia do papel... a minha primeira provocação na minha primeira exposição.

Desta vez vai mesmo ser um fundo branco, acabei de decidir.