
Why do I love black and white films?

“In this world […] you must be all so smart or all so pleasant… for years I was smart, I recommend pleasant.”

From the film Harvey (the one where Donie Darko was based).

For the past few months I've been questioning why most people hate black and white Films.

Korusawa's master pieces are absolutly astonishing and were the basis for Holywood classics such as "starwars" and "the Magnificent Seven". But I know it's not the visually pleasing effect of the grey-scale that atracts me. Its the inocence of the retoric approach and even the truthfulness that was completely lost meanwhile:

Squisoid bit:
Hoo and it's not because of the depressing Greenberg disturbing films either. Munch is close to him but I'm not in the mood for extreme saidness right now. I saw one a few months ago which title had something to do with a window and a mirror. films inside films. Lost meanings.

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