
For my english friends

Beacause I wrote to most of you a few days ago I have to excuse my absence for the next 10 days in case I'm accepted in a buddist monastery for a course. During this course I'm not allowed to come to the internet, leave the monastery, read anything else but budist books... I can't even talk! So see you after the retreat in the himalayas with tibetan monks. Enjoy all the other photographs we posted so far. I hope to have comments when I come back.
If we are not in we will keep posting photos every couple of days.
Take care


Unknown said...

Parabéns mana!!! Um grande beijinho com saudades :)

Anonymous said...

Hoje o beijo é em especial para a Marta!

Estou a adorar ver o vosso passeio!

Kiss Kiss

Unknown said...

Muitos Parabens Marta!!! Depois quero ouvir essas experiencias indianas em primeira mao!!!
