
The second Kitaj on the blog and the first I saw with my own eyes for as long as I wanted to. The Corbusier chair was the one where I did my psychoanalysis too (I bet he did his). I'm planning to write my dissertation on psychology and art... After all it was through therapy that I found my world, freedom and my passions. How influent was psychology in the art world? How many people wrote about this? I want to read during the summer and write half of it by August. Can you identify the writers in the painting? Can you tell me which elements he picked of from Kafka books? Did you feel sometimes that books do part of your psychoanalysis? But that those bits would be meaningless if you didn't have an outsider to comment your aparently random speech. I hope one day I meet Kitaj... Posted by Hello

Napkin Posted by Hello

Red - Where I've been.
Yellow - What I want to visit soon. Posted by Hello

I miss them already... Focus now... Posted by Hello

Por onde é que eu tenho andado?
The bits of the UK that I've visited.Posted by Hello
O meu grande amigo Roberto anda pelos Algarves e está a pôr fotografias no blog dele dos sítios que eu mais adoro... Ele antecipa o desejo de Sol e água salgada, de noites quentes e reuniões de terraço, estrelas cadentes e constelações quase invisíveis, filosofia e bem estar, chocos, o grande choco, Vivaldo(s), Cabanas, Solteiras, ovelhas, Fábrica, Leitura de livros lindos até altas horas, Pedras, casas de sonho, montes cor-de-laranja, tabuletas para o invisível, sons de campo, Santa Rita pintada, vinha, uvas, água fresca, mais de 40 graus lá fora, formigas das grandes, redes na janela, tanque que sabe melhor do que qualquer piscina, dormir sem lençois e cheio de calor, tijoleira, baldear a casa, praia a tarde toda, sandwiches, dormir na areia quente, ovos cozidos, encher o tanque, comer sempre com mais de 10 pessoas à mesa, saladas frias, bifes de atum, massa acompanhada com leite depois de um dia de praia, bronzeado, chanatas, os homens fazem as compras de casa, não há televisão lêem-se os jornais, a bola para saber sobre os futuros jogadores do benfica, o Público para ter notícias, jolas fresquinhas, bolas de berlim na praia, Levante, Gim tónico ao fim da tarde a ver o sol tornar tudo vermelho, Santa Luzia, Tavira, gelados, areia extremamente quente, camaleões, Sr. António, Costa, Andorinhas, Andorinhos, gaivotas, maré baixa e maré alta... simplesmente perfeitos são estes momentos em que enterramos os dedos na areia e descarregamos todo o stress que a Terra absorve como energia pura. A água do mar está quente e espera por todos nós e as nossas conversas intermináveis.

Este foi um comentário que fiz lá (adaptado).
O site dele é:
É logo o meu primeiro link de qualquer maneira...

As janelas da alma Posted by Hello

Desvaneios Posted by Hello


A small brake...

I wanted to explain why I stopped blogging for a while. First I had to finish some of my sculptures for the exhibition. Then I had all the final assessments and I put the exhibition up during three very stressful days. After that the exhibition was on and it was mental... We went to shows for free, we had Groove Armada concerts next door, hundreds of visits (probably more than 1000), we drank all the beer we had left from the private view... a local TV came to film our work and a few words from our mouths... well you can imagine the rest. Then a great thing happened but I can't tell you about it... Anyway before I could bring all my work back to Cov Uni my parents rented a car and we went to absolutely astonishing places such as: Edinburgh, Loch Lomond, Lake District, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Warwick, Stratford upon Avon, Cheltenham, Broadway, The Slaughters, Cheddar Gorge, Bristol, Bath, Cotswolds, Bristol, Stonehenge... well you mention it and it's quite likely we were near by. Now I'm back and I want to start my big project for this summer but the Uni is closed for a couple of days. I'll be back to Portugal soon. If anyone is available to pick me up in Lisbon's Airport in the 11th of June around dinner time (please let me know because my parents will be away in Chão de Couce). If no one offers to do that I'll just catch a Taxi. I hope to have some comments to this post... hehehe I promises I'll wear nice clothes and I'll be ready to talk all night through if you want me to. HAHAHA

Gallery and flash Posted by Hello

From right to left: Cress, me, Mandy, Paul, Jane's son and Jane Posted by Hello

Mat's performance 2 Posted by Hello

Light fitings and other things...  Posted by Hello

The same stuff in a slightly different perspective Posted by Hello

Overview of the stuff I've been thinking about in the last year Posted by Hello

Ady understands it all... Posted by Hello

Craig's - Chance Posted by Hello

Craig's Work... I bet he wants this pic... Posted by Hello

Repetition Posted by Hello

The sound of the tesseract Posted by Hello

Tesseract Posted by Hello

Wine the dark treasure... Posted by Hello

Lakes moving quickly Posted by Hello

Unbuilding Posted by Hello

Forshaw Posted by Hello

Dreaming about freedom confortably Posted by Hello

The romantic couple... Posted by Hello