Andrea, Zé and me - Photo by Zé - Costa Vicentina - De alguma maneira quero voltar a estar com eles logo que voltar. Foram eles que me salvaram nos piores momentos. Sei que continuo a estar com eles apesar de estar "a cascos" e apesar de tudo o resto...
My garden 2 - Design by Jorge viana - Photos by Leonor Viana
My garden in Portugal...
My studio in Portugal... What am I doing here?
Invitation - Convite
Convite - Invitation
Fake light
Perspective on my structure
Zooming new horizons
Self-closing draws?
Craig's birthday
English moon
Imagination boost. A nitro for the brain's engine.
My patent private library. Tomorrow I'll get a few more os these books. This is just a section but I didn't have a wide angle lens with me...
Mat is using a friezer but only the mechanical bits. He was taking it apart yesterday.
O Bairro e um sítio chamado artis. O sítio da luz vermelha.
Mimo puro. Isto era quando eu era pequenino, claro... Acham que devia ter vergonha de vos falar das festinhas da minha mãe ao acordar? Nah... para quê ter vergonha de momentos tão bons?
Um cantinho especial na minha casa em Oeiras.
(Rob's mobile pic) I miss these moments. I know they were saying good things about me. I wish I was there to taste the wine, the light, the improvements, my family and friends. My heart was there saying "CHEERS"! À vossa e às coisas boas da vida.
(Rob's mobile pic again) Chão de Couce's paint changing into beautiful stone!
(Rob's mobile pic) A cozinha e a Copa - cada vez melhor. Cada vez mais bonito.